Monday, May 17, 2010

California Surf Music Culture at the Autry

Once upon a time rock instrumental music was heard on Los Angeles radio. The Chantays, Pyramids, Johnny Fortune, Dick Dale could actually be heard and have to utter a word of romantic love, or being saved from a dung heap by some benevolent girl. The waves, hotrods, and pretty girl were and remain a part of the instrumental surf music and Lloyd Davis of Longboard Ranch is a testament to the longevity of surf music.

Once upon a time he played bass for Bob Dalley's Surf Raiders. Now his second lead and rhythm for Longboard Ranch a find surf band that also respects England's The Shadows who recorded the famous instrumental Apache in 1960.

It has bee proven to me more than thrice, that once people hear good rock instrumental surf or just rock instrumentals like The Shadows or Jams Wilsey, they cotton to it! Radio, if you interested in giving people what they want, then surf music is one of those essentials. Otherwise the exodus to the internet will continue and commercial radio refugees increase.

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